This ring (only in turquoise version/much more HIPPIER) totaly made one of my hottest evenings this summer. FF and I have been on trip inside of hot car for 4hours. We reached Warsow on break of almost tropical feeling storm. We felt cooked and tired. It was 10 minuts before Złote Tarasy closure. I run through Topshop sucking all info I could perceive. I made 1 H search in 10 minutes. MIX shoes -nail lack -jewellery junk-newIN-underwear. I met this extrem elongate ring in insane jewellery exposition of hundreds. First look it was "HALLO!" and than it was surely
"HALLO!!!". FF backed up. I felt so connected to thos item. Hot purchase/in RUSHrush made hot evenig certainlyboiling and super steamy. Intensive! I've stared on it hole further way and I felt cool and breezy (in SO opposite weather conditions!). It is one of my beloved pices rightNOW!
Topshop FULL FINGER ring