As a sport FREAK of course I took this challenge on chest but as it occurred it is bloody damn SUPERdifficult. Even 6 years of bad ass pilates didn't prepare me for this experience. I have discovered that I can be yoga fan and surprisingly I can be heat fan but I'm not going to combine those two in one combo anytime soon in cold future.
Reputation of bikram yoga studio is well grounded in reality. Place is cool & modern with experienced & advanced trainers. Very supportive in hot circumstances.
I felt very SPORThip on beginning of classes and I have turned in boiled shrimp'ette.
As much as I was elevated by my own courage and boldness as soon I was put down by temperature over 40 degrees and humidity. I have struggled my way through fighting with discomfort/weakness/super red face condition to the end. My body thermoregulation was off during next 12h. Situation would be even more extreme in winter with bigger amplitude of temperature...
This idea is overcooked for me but classic yoga is FRESH CONCEPT for me again.